Prepositions of Time


  • in the morning = ráno
  • in the afternoon = v popoludní
  • in the evening = večer
  • in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (používa sa s mesiacmi)
  • in 2000 (používa sa s rokmi)


  • at noon = na poludnie (o dvanástej)
  • at midnight = o polnoci
  • at night = v noci
  • at six o’clock = o šiestej hodine
  • at the weekend = cez víkend


  • on the weekend = cez víkend
  • on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (používa sa s dňami)

Answer the following questions 😊

What do you usually do in the morning?

What do you usually do at noon?

What do you usually do in the afternoon?

What do you usually do in the evening?

What do you usually do at night?

What do you usually do at midnight?

What do you usually do at 3 p.m.?

What do you usually do at/on the weekends?

Exercise: Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition! 😊

  1. I don’t have much time _____ the morning because I have to go to work.
  2. I was born _____ March _____ 1993.
  3. I pick my kids up _____ the afternoon.
  4. I usually have lunch exactly _____ noon.
  5. I watch TV and relax _____ the evening.
  6. Sometimes, I wake up _____ midnight and it is hard for me to go back to sleep.
  7. I get up _____ half past six.
  8. I clean my house _____ the weekend.
  9. The streets are very quiet _____ night.
  10. I meet up with my friends _____ Fridays.