
I am glad that you have decided to check out this section of my website. We can explore together what coaching is so you can see if it would be beneficial for you.

What does a coach do?

A coach is a trained professional with excellent communication skills who knows how to use different coaching questions, techniques and methods in coaching sessions with clients. A coach encourages and helps the client to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. By asking specific questions, a coach helps the client to express their values, beliefs and attitudes in order to achieve a desirable goal.  A coach also encourages the client to think for themselves and fosters their confidence. Active listening is an integral part of coaching. The most valuable traits of a coach are: confidentiality, coaching expertise, and the belief that the client has inner resources and is able to resolve their problems. For this reason, the client sets the agenda and is responsible for implementing the necessary changes and steps that they find appropriate. A coach can help so that a systematic plan is created tailored to the needs of the client. The relationship between a coach and client is a relationship between equals.

When it comes to my work as a coach, I offer general life coaching sessions and I specialize in work around the mother wound. General life coaching explores the personal life of the client. General life coaching sessions can be beneficial before making serious life decisions or big changes, when someone is looking for life satisfaction and balance, but not only in these cases! Life coaching sessions can be about work-life balance, articulating values, life goals or finding motivation to make our quality of life better.

It means that the client can come to a session with a problem, goal, topic or situation they want to discuss, but bringing a topic is not mandatory. You do not have to be afraid of “not being prepared” for a coaching session. Coaches know a lot of techniques and tools to find the area it would be good to work on.

In my coaching, I focus on the healing of the mother wound. The concept “mother wound”  refers to an emotional “injury” that happens when children (daughters) experience a lack of loving nurturing, support and they are not able to connect to their mothers in a healthy way (they cannot attach securely). Reasons for this happening are numerous – neglect, an unhealthy amount of criticism, not meeting the child’s emotional needs that often stem from the mother’s own unresolved issues and trauma.

The mother wound is not a clinical diagnosis, rather a concept that includes exploring how the nature and quality of the relationship between the mother and child later in life affects the relationships of the adult daughter (the relationship she has with herself and other people). It is important to realize that the mother wound affects not only daughters but sons, as well. However, I personally specialize in the relationship between mothers and their daughters. If you would like to learn more about healing the mother wound, besides reading this e-book, you can reach out to me on my Facebook Page or Instagram. I would be elated to see you in our private, women-only group on Facebook. The more accessible this type of information is, the more women can start exploring their difficult relationships with their mothers and eventually with themselves.

My coaching education

I am certified by the Life Coach Training Institute. You can see my certificate here.

Professional Life Coach (Certificate)

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certificate

Sample Coaching Tools

Reasons for Life Coaching

Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life | Video

Life Goals

Daily goal-setting worksheet

Daily affirmation card

Weekly planner sheet

Blog Posts about Coaching

6 Reasons Why You Would Need Coaching